On December 11, 2020, Janie Ritter, VP of MN Safety Council, was in West Concord and presented the Governor’s Workplace Safety Award of Honor to Ellingson.
Since 1934, the Annual Governor’s Safety Award program has honored Minnesota employers with exceptional safety performance. The Award of Honor is the highest award presented through the MN Safety Council. In 2019, only 40 other companies throughout Minnesota achieved this high honor.
Ellingson was judged on the past 3 years of injury data as it compares with other companies around the nation in the Construction industry. The criteria to achieve this award is based on Days Away Restricted/Transferred Rate (DART) and Total Recordable Incident Rates (TRIR) of at least 91% or better than the industry average. In 2019, the industry average DART was 1.3 and the TRIR was 2.1. Ellingson achieved a DART of 0.00 and a TRIR of 0.62.
Ellingson employees, and the company as a whole, has worked together in keeping Safety the foremost important aspect of their day-to-day job. Each year, the hard work and dedication towards Safety in the Workplace is shown with reduced injuries and a positive workplace safety culture and attitude.